Ça va bien aller

Perhaps more a timely phrase with the current work environments being seen at the time of this writing although ultimately this really holds true no matter the case.

“Everything will be OK”

When working remotely or just providing support in general, one of the key elements you should be striving for is having your customer feel that all is well and things are just going to work out.

This also applies to yourself. You are your first customer of the day every day. You need to make certain you are in a good headspace to do your work. Remember, a smile goes a long way to helping someone feel better about their current concerns.

Start every conversation with a smile on your face and treat the conversation as though it was the first one of the day. This shows through to the customer, this also lets you shake off the earlier events of the day and give your best efforts towards the customer you are currently working with.

Vive les Québécois for this reminder.

Photo by Viktor Forgacs on Unsplash

Take Breaks

Although it may be important to set boundaries, it’s just as important to take breaks, too!

If you are working from home, you should take advantage of your own personal support system. Take breaks to spend time with your family… if you are coming from working in an office environment this would have been difficult to do. Use the flexibility of remote working to get in some extra quality time with your family, take your dog for an extra walk, or just spend some quiet time to yourself and enjoy that new tea you found!

Taking a break during the day will help keep you from burning out. It’s a healthy work habit to keep — or create if necessary.

Just like you should be getting up from your desk “in the office”, do the same in your remote work space… and take advantage of the extra benefits of spending more time with your family or slipping in that quick exercise routine… whatever it is, just make sure to take breaks for your own well-being.

Photo by Alisha Hieb on Unsplash

Set Boundaries

Often when working remotely, it is important to have a dedicated workspace… or, at least a dedicated work schedule.

The key is to be able to ensure you can focus on your work when you need to and having a dedicated space where others know you are remote working; or, an explicit work schedule to let others know when you are working. Both of these create a sense of respectable boundaries where you can feel comfortable you will not be easily disrupted by some outside influence.

Sure, make a comfortable bed for your best four-footed friend to hang out while you work; let the “kids” know they need to try to be respectfully quieter during “working hours”; and, let your partner know that although your schedule does offer some great flexibility when remote working the whole point is you still need to be working and meeting those expectations.

Setting boundaries helps everyone that is affected by remote working, especially when first entering that type of environment. Try to make sure they are clear while also being respectful of others and you should be good to go… and remember to follow those “rules” yourself — the beach isn’t going anywhere.

Photo by Sapan Patel on Unsplash

Don’t Change Anything

One of the biggest concerns when migrating from an in-office environment to a remote environment is simply the changes that are involved — in short, don’t change anything!

Of course, your commute is going to change — more prep time!

You might even look at making a real breakfast instead of a drive-thru coffee shop on the way to work — great, better meal management!

You don’t have to pack a lunch, you can plan a good midday meal or activity for your lunch break.

You can work in your pajamas — “don’t change anything”, get dressed for work! You might find something a bit more casual or comfortable according to your remote work environment but keep in mind you are going to work not a slumber party.

Start work at the same time you did when you went into the office and work as long as you normally would. Take your lunch! Time management is one of the easiest things to let slip both in working too much and not putting in an appropriate amount of time and energy into the day.

The key to my success and rapid change from an in-office desk job to a high-efficiency remote worker was to keep as much of my day the same in both environments so I could continue to focus on the work versus the short commute, the more nutritious lunches versus labeling my food in the fridge… and getting dog-walking breaks when one of them needed to go out or just wanted some attention.

Don’t Change Anything! — unless it makes you more productive and allows you to do your work better and more effectively.

Perhaps even more important, be honest with yourself when asking if the above is true when making those changes.

Photo by Carl Heyerdahl on Unsplash

Remote Support

So it seems we’re all working in “Remote Support” lately, or at least hopefully we’re all working remotely.

Whether you are ordered to “Shelter in place”, or “Self-isolate”, or just trying to stay safe and healthy for any reason, working remotely is still a real thing and something for all employers to consider more fully going forward once this COVID-19 crisis has been addressed and dealt with.

I’m very much a “Support Advocate” believing in all things that provide support to both internal and external customers.

I know I haven’t been around for the last while, life’s been a bit hectic and things happened… OK, that’s an understatement, SH*T HAPPENED!!! Maybe read that with several underlines and few more exclamation points.

I’ve been fortunate to already be familiar with remote work and even more fortunate to be involved with an organization and team that are able and willing to help those trying to address this COVID-19 issue.

Although likely to be sporadic, look for upcoming posts about working remotely and dealing with less human contact than what you have been used to. For a bit of backstory, I’m coming from 25 years of direct customer service management to working online only in various customer experience channels for the last seven years. I’ll share what I’ve seen and done — hopefully, it will help.

Unhappy Customers Are Opportunities

Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.

Bill Gates

Although most will find an unhappy customer to be a pain point or stressor of some sort I always try to find the “silver-lining” in their cloud.

Be grateful for “unhappy customers” as they are the ones who care enough to actually tell you how they feel when they do not like something. This type of feedback is invaluable as they are taking the time to let you know something is not working. It might be something just not working for them, or it could be something affecting everyone using your product.

Granted, the “not working” can also be for any number of reasons ranging from utterly broken to functional misunderstandings although in all of these cases there will be something to be learned.

You might not have been aware something was broken, it could be an edge-case scenario that was not considered in testing. If there is a “functional misunderstanding” it could simply be a matter of improving and/or adding documentation to explain what the function does and what to expect when using it.

Taking the time to understand why a custom is unhappy will always provide a benefit even if it is nothing more than how to better address the feedback they are sharing.

Photo by Marc Wieland on Unsplash

Move Forward

You may never reach the horizon and you will never get any closer if you don’t move towards it.

A lofty or far reaching goal is never a bad thing as long as you make an effort towards reaching it; and, if that horizon is too far away, set a goal that is closer but always remember the horizon will always be out there.

I’m not saying set an unreachable goal, what I’m saying is do not be complacent in your goals. Always look forward, always dream, always have a goal! There is nothing more important than having something to look forward to.

Stop to enjoy the wins along the way, all those in-between goals you set from you to the horizon but don’t just stop there. Give yourself the opportunity to move forward, to excel, to improve, to be better… and try to help those around you do the same.

Remember, everyone’s horizon is a bit different and for some it’s a bit closer and for others it’s a bit farther away and although in reality it’s all the same horizon everyone perceives it a bit differently. Helping another to get to their goals between themselves and their horizon will ultimately help you reach your goals between you and your horizon… and remember to move forward.

You Have To Start Somewhere

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.

Walt Disney

Isn’t that a wonderful idea… begin doing. Sometimes it’s not really about what you are doing it is simply about doing something. Ideally you will have a focus on a goal although what’s more important, the goal? or, working on something that will produce results?

I would say one of the hardest, and easiest, things to do is something you have not done before. It’s hard, or perhaps “scary” because of the unknown although in that same vein is exciting and easy because you will be learning something new and doing something different. Will you get it right? Will you succeed? Will you reach your expectations? First, just begin doing… then worry about these questions.

The great thing about begin doing, you can always re-frame the questions along the way… what’s stopping you?


Don’t let yourself be your biggest obstacle… begin doing and then figure out where you’re going. You can always talk about the experience along the way and most definitely share it afterward.

Image by Domenic Hoffmann from Pixabay

Step Up

Never do things others can do and will do if there are things others cannot do or will not do.

Amelia Earhart

Helping others can often time mean doing something others cannot, or just will not, do. This could be a special skill or adeptness, or simply choosing to “muck out the stables” when fetching the water could also be done.

In many cases, the real defining aspect is the work needed to be done… and whether you have already put the efforts in or just need to put the effort forth. Helping others is still going to be “work” in that sense although stepping up and putting yourself in the position to do the work can only be better for your customer as well as yourself.

This also speaks to challenging yourself with new goals and ideals. It doesn’t necessarily translate into being the first, or the best (although it could); it really should be considered as just being more capable of helping more people.

Possibly even more important, when you are stepping up your skills, is to help others do the same so they can step up their game, too. In the end, everyone wins as everyone else gets more done and there are fewer things others cannot do or will not do.

Image by Siggy Nowak from Pixabay

Be A Trusted Resource

Value those people who tell you the truth, not just those people who tell you what you want to hear.

Pat Summitt

One of the most important aspects of providing support is the ability to be open and transparent with the information you are sharing… and knowing how best to provide that information.

Telling a customer the truth about a feature not working as expected, or perhaps not existing is much more valuable that find an obfuscated turn of phrase that is intended to provide an answer although not provide a solution. If you do not know, just say so!

Not knowing an answer is not necessarily a bad thing provided you let the customer know that is the case and also that you will find out what the answer is and get back to them with it. If you don’t find that answer, still get back to the customer with a response and let them know that, too.

Support is mostly about communication and building a rapport with the customers you are working with. These customers should know, or at the least be comfortable with, you will provide them the best, most truthful and complete answer you are able to.

Tell the truth… sugar-coat if you must but not so much you lost the customer. Going forward, you will both know you are starting from the same point and understanding.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay